Whale Shark Research, Photography & Coral Reefs – Mafia Island
1st - 8th Dec, 2025
Team includes Whale Shark expert from Marine Megafauna Foundation & Aqua-Firma Photographer, Ralph Pannell
Aqua-Firma is a company driven by a long developed passion for exploring and conserving the best of our planet's wilderness and wildlife - in particular where land and water meet.
From the Equator to the Poles we explore the areas surrounding the great oceans, rivers, lakes and icecaps - home to some of the most dramatic encounters with wildlife and the natural world.
Qualified to advise and inspire
Our in-depth knowledge of these environments is built on our foundation as marine and environmental scientists, conservation experts, professional wilderness guides, diving instructors and yachtmasters. We have ourselves snorkelled and dived all five of the world's oceans, kayaked through tropical rainforests and Arctic ice, photographed the great migrations of Africa and dived with penguins beyond the Antarctic Circle - just some of the experiences which have made us true experts in our field!